
15 Twitter bio ideas for brands to attract new followers

When it comes to social media bios for your brand, are you putting a good bit of thought into writing a creative and engaging intro? If you just treated it as an afterthought or filler content, there’s a chance it’s probably not as strong as it could be. Although you may not realize it, your Twitter bio is an extremely important part of your social media presence.

Your Twitter bio is there for you to explain who you are and also to engage your audience. There are several ways to go about this and we’re here to give you a few awesome Twitter bio ideas to help engage and attract new followers, so let’s get started!

  1. How to create an awesome Twitter bio
  2. Twitter bio ideas and examples for inspiration

How to create an awesome Twitter bio

Twitter bios are limited to 160 characters, so you have to choose your words wisely. How do you perfectly encapsulate your business’s mission, offerings and personality in so few characters?

Lucky for you, we’ve got a few Twitter bio examples to get you started:

1. Add some personality to your Twitter bio

Have fun with it. The brands who see the best results on Twitter really let their personality shine, and that includes within their bio.

But make sure that you’re still staying true to your business and brand voice. For example, if your overall voice is very formal and straightforward, it doesn’t make sense to adopt a personality that simply isn’t you just because you’re on Twitter.

However, if your brand does let some humor out in its voice, Twitter is the perfect platform to really make that work for you.

2. Include keywords

Your brand’s bio is searchable on Twitter, so you want to be sure to include some strong keywords in there as well. Keywords like your industry or your product/service offerings are perfect to include so you’ll show up in relevant search results.

3. Use hashtags sparingly

There is an art to using hashtags on Twitter. Including hashtags in your business bio may be important, but you should aim to use them in an authentic way. Rather than hashtagging #every other #word, you should use hashtags very sparingly. Including more than a few hashtags can look spammy, and it doesn’t always increase searchability.

Instead, you should try sticking to using only brand or campaign hashtags. Focusing on only 1-2 hashtags can improve brand or campaign strength, and also increase hashtag visibility on Twitter search to gain more followers.

Here is a great Twitter bio example of how you might include a hashtag from @SonicDriveIn:

Twitter bio ideas - Sonic


4. Link to related accounts

Many brands have multiple accounts on Twitter, like a customer support channel, a parent company, a subsidiary, or an affiliated charitable organization. In order to generate more traction for these accounts, and to let their followers know where else they can find information about the company, they’ll link to those other accounts directly within their Twitter bio.

Check out what this might look like from our own Twitter account @SproutSocial:

Twitter bio ideas - Sprout Social

By including affiliated accounts with our Twitter bio, we are able to provide an optimal engagement experience for our audience.

5. Play with emojis

Emojis are pretty much their own language now, so why not play with a few of these alongside your words to further emphasis and visualize your point? However, it’s important to be aware of any double meaning the emoji you choose may have attracted from popular use. Check out this guide to understand a few secret emoji meanings.

Check out how @AlaskaAir incorporated the airplane emoji (naturally) into their Twitter bio:

Twitter bio ideas - AlaskaAir

6. End with a call to action

Let your followers know what to do next! Visit your website? Follow along? Tweet your customer support with any issues?

Including a call to action is pretty much always a good idea, whether it’s your Twitter bio or a social media post or an email.

@Honey’s Twitter bio includes a great call to action for downloading their app and browser extension:

Twitter bio ideas - Honey App

Twitter bio examples and ideas for inspiration

Now that you know how to craft your awe-inspiring Twitter bio, it’s time to get to the good stuff. It’s time to get those creative juices flowing with these Twitter bio examples!

These are nine different ways that other Twitter users have utilized the 160-character about section in showcasing who they are and what their business does.

1. Be humorous | Pop-Tarts

Brands tend to let loose on Twitter. The voice they use on Twitter is often very different from the voice you’ll see in Facebook or Instagram posts.

Take Pop-Tarts for example. While they tend to share silly content across the board, their Twitter definitely has a more snarky and humorous edge to it than their other platforms. Take a look at their bio below:

Twitter bio ideas - Pop-Tarts

“It’s a very serious matter” definitely encompasses their overall Twitter personality. They’ve incorporated their humor and sass seamlessly into their Twitter bio.

Try your hand at crafting a funny Twitter bio. Humor helps to draw people in and makes them curious about what you’re going to post next. A good chuckle definitely increases the likelihood that a user will want to continue following you.

2. Be intriguing | Fenty Beauty

Talking about yourself or about your business can be a bit dry. Try to up the ante by being mysterious or intriguing in your Twitter bio.

How can you create suspense, or make your audience curious about what’s still to come from your brand? You will want to use your bio in a way that entices new users to follow you and engage with your content.

Here’s an example from @FentyBeauty that shows how they used mystery and intrigue in their Twitter bio:

Twitter bio ideas - Fenty Beauty

Instead of focusing on what their products are or who their founder is within the bio, they’ve kept it short, sweet, and compelling with their single sentence bio.

3. Be on brand | Snickers

Use your Twitter bio to focus on you and what it is that you do. You can achieve this by offering some background information about your business, sharing your products/services or including your branded hashtag.

Staying on brand helps you to stay true to your brand voice, and lets new followers know the authentic you.

Below is a Twitter bio example from @Snickers showing off their brand voice by sharing their infamous tagline:

Twitter bio ideas - Snickers

4. Be promotional | Hello Fresh

Promote your business in your Twitter bio! Including promotional callouts is one of the best ways to generate leads and new customers on Twitter.

@HelloFresh’s Twitter bio is one example of how you can be promotional with Twitter-specific offers. By using an attention-getting emoji along with their promotional offer, Hello Fresh is able to reel in new customers directly from their Twitter bio.

Twitter bio ideas - HelloFresh

5. Be succinct | Notion HQ

You want to avoid meaningless and unnecessary buzzwords. A Twitter bio with things like “Disrupting the communication industry” or “Lean startup shaking up the tech world.” might sound trendy in your head, but the reality is these buzzwords do little to make your bio more appealing. Remember, you only have 160 characters to get your point across. You don’t want to waste space on words without meaning!

@NotionHQ keeps their introduction very short, sweet, and to the point. No fluff; only including exactly what they need to share who they are and what they do.

Twitter bio ideas - Notion

6. Be personable | Old Spice

Whether you’re working on a Twitter bio for your own Twitter account or for your company’s account, it’s important to offer a human element in your copy. You want to be personable or relatable so that your audience feels like they’re really making a connection with you and/or your business.

@OldSpice demonstrates the ability to be relatable and personable within their content, including their Twitter bio.

Twitter bio ideas - Old Spice

7. Be transparent | Dove

Being honest and open as a brand is a great way to generate loyal followers who trust your business and care about your brand. Sharing causes and movements that your business supports is a great way to demonstrate who you are as a brand.

Instead of including brand-specific messaging, @Dove chooses to utilize their Twitter bio to talk about their philanthropic campaign to help improve inclusivity around the world:

Twitter bio ideas - Dove

8. Be informative | Pampers

Let your followers know exactly what they can expect to see when they follow you. @Pampers is one example of how to be informative within your Twitter bio. From the start, Pampers is straightforward with the types of content they share: news and exclusive deals. From there, they tell users to follow them for “the inside scoop on Pampers.” This clever Twitter bio shares both an idea of what users will see from Pampers as well as a call to action to follow the brand.

Twitter bio ideas - Pampers

9. Be local | Mailchimp

Your Twitter bio gives you the option to add your location in to let followers know where you’re based. This is an essential part of your profile if you only service one specific area. You will want to make sure people in that same area are able to find and follow you.

But it’s still a good idea to stay local and true to your roots, even if you’re a global brand. Many national and worldwide companies still have a single or main hub or headquarters, and it’s a good idea to celebrate that.

For example, @Mailchimp is an email marketing platform that is used all over the world. But they’re based in Atlanta, Georgia, and showcasing that on their profile gives them a more hometown feel.

Twitter bio ideas - Mailchimp

Make sure that you’re including your own headquarters or main location within your Twitter bio as well. It may resonate even more with people who live in the same area, and they’ll be excited to share this local business with their friends and family.

Take these Twitter bio ideas and run with them!
If your Twitter bio isn’t as appealing as you think it could be, do a refresh. You can change your bio any time and test different copy to figure out what’s most effective. Take some time to look over your bio and see if you can implement any of our tips to make your Twitter bio more effective.

If you’re looking for other ways to increase your Twitter engagement, look into our Twitter engagement strategy guide for more information.

The post 15 Twitter bio ideas for brands to attract new followers appeared first on Sprout Social.

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