Baseline’s evolution on MDN | MDN Blog
To understand the Baseline better, let’s look at the timeline of the CSS custom properties implementation…
Kali Linux 2023.4 Release (Cloud ARM64, Vagrant Hyper-V & Raspberry Pi 5) | Kali Linux Blog
With 2023 coming to an end and before the holiday season starts, we thought today would…
New Genetic Research Traces the Dramatic Journey of the Takah?, Driven into Fiordland by Humans, Rats, and Dogs
The takah?, a flightless bird native to New Zealand, has long been a subject of scientific…
How to use social media ecommerce effectively in 2024
When social media first came onto the scene, it was designed for people to connect with…
12 hour YouTube Coding Bootcamp 2024!
? Taken from 00:00 Introduction02:06 What is a Code Editor?03:41 Code editor options04:29 Files files…
Tech Innovations Building a Brighter Future
How technology can help us carve out more freedom in our daily lives NOW. 00:00 Crypto…
Sam Altman’s Brain Chips | Rain Neuromorphic Chips | UAE Funds and US National Security and Q*
LINKS: Get on my daily AI newsletter ?[News, Research and Tutorials on AI] See more…
An expert provides insights on the possibility of transferring your consciousness to a computer
The concept of mind uploading, which involves transitioning a person from their biological body to a…
11 Best Linux PDF Editors You Should Use in 2023
The PDF file format is one of the most widely used document formats that is used…
Basics of Amazon CloudWatch and CloudWatch Metrics | AWS Tutorials for Beginners
Amazon CloudWatch is the ultimate tool for monitoring and managing your resources in AWS. From metrics…
AI Apps Making $20,000+ per month with 1 person teams.
LINKS MENTIONED: Get on my daily AI newsletter ?[News, Research and Tutorials on AI] See more…
Every SaaS Founder MUST Know This About Platform Risk in SaaS…
In the SaaS business world, understanding platform risk is key for every founder. This BIG risk…
GPT Store | DeepMind AI Rips Atoms | OpenAI Kills Capped Profit Rules | Sam Altman and UAE Funds.
DeepMind AI Manipulates Atoms OpenAI Gets Rid of Pesky “Capped Profit” Rules: OpenAI and UAE Money:…
The Best Windows Utility
A Huge update that will install all programs, optimize your processes, and NOW will even create…
You NEED this Christmas Terminal Trick!
Use this code: ruby -e ‘C=`stty size`.scan(/d+/)[1].to_i;S=[“2743”.to_i(16)].pack(“U*”);a={};puts ” 33[2J”;loop{a[rand(C)]=0;a.each{|x,o|;a[x]+=1;print ” 33[#{o};#{x}H 33[#{a[x]};#{x}H#{S} 33[0;0H”};$stdout.flush;sleep 0.1}’