
Simple Queue Service (SQS) Basics | AWS Cloud Computing Tutorial for Beginners


These days, a lot of applications use a microservices architecture, where the different components are decoupled from each other. But with things decoupled, how do the different parts communicate with each other? The answer is the Simple Queue Service, or SQS. When you think “decoupled” in Amazon Web Services (AWS), think SQS.

In this video, I’ll introduce you to the core concepts of SQS, using an example of a photo processing application. Then in a hands-on tutorial, we’ll create a new queue through the AWS Console, and send and receive a few messages. I’ll also demonstrate how to work with the visibility timeout feature, which prevents messages from being processed more than once.

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00:00 – What is the Simple Queue Service (SQS) and why would you use it?
00:53 – Decoupling your architecture with an SQS queue
01:46 – Types of SQS queues: standard queue
03:09 – SQS visibility timeout simply explained, plus duplicate processing
04:51 – Prioritizing SQS queues
05:10 – Message payload size and retention periods
05:22 – Batching in SQS queues
05:37 – Long polling with SQS
05:52 – Dead letter queues for failed messages
06:13 – Creating a new SQS queue through the AWS Console
07:19 – Sending and receiving messages in an SQS queue
08:36 – Working with the visibility timeout on the SQS queue with two consumers
10:04 – Updating the visibility timeout on the SQS queue
10:20 – Deleting an SQS queue