Simple Shell commands for filesystem
- Filesystem
cd [-] [directory] ?Change directory
– :Change to the previous directory you were in
chmod [opts]?Change permissions
-R :Change permissions recursively
chown [-R]
?Change ownership
-R :Change ownership recursively
cp [opts] ?Copy files and directories
-i :Interactive mode. Prompt before overwriting
-p :Preserve file permissions and ownership
-R :Copy directories recursively
df [opts] [device name] ?Print filesystem usage info
-a :Show all filesystems.
-h :Human readable format. Quantify byte information.
-i :Show inode usage info.
du [opts] [pattern] ?Show space usage on files and dirs
-c :Produce a grand total for all arguments.
-h :Human readable format. Quantify byte information.
-s :Summarize. Only show a total for each argument.
-S :Do not include size of subdirectories.
find [-name ?pattern’] ?Search for a file.
Ex: find /home ?name ?index.html? ?perms ?644 -ls
gzip [opts] ?Compress a file or files
-1..9 : Set compression level. 9=highest, 1=lowest.
-d :Decompress file. Same as the gunzip command.
-l :List the statistics for a compressed file.
ln [opts] ?Create a sym/hard link
-s :Create a symbolic link between files. (alias name)
-f :Force creation, even if the link file exists.
ls [opts] [pattern] ?List file and directory entries
-a :List all files including . and ..
-d :List directories themselves, not their contents.
-l :Long list. Shows permissions and modified time.
-r :Recusively list files in directories.
-S :Sort output by file size.
-u :Sort by the last access time.
-X :Sort by filename extension.
-1 :Print output files one per line.
–time=atime :Show last access timestamp for file.
mkdir [opts] ?Make a new directory
-m mode: Set the initial permissions to mode.
-p :Create parent directories if they don?t exist.
mv [-i] ?Move/Rename a file
-i :Interactive move. Prompt before moving files.
rm [opts] ?Remove a file
-f :Force removal. Don?t ask if it?s ok to remove.
-i :Interactive remove. Prompt before each file.
-r :Recusively delete directories an their contents.
tar [opts] [tarfile] [pattern] ?Create an archive
c :Create mode. Create a tar archive.
x :Extract mode. Untar archive contents.
t :List mode. List the contents of the archive.
f :Specify a tarfile to use.
v :Verbose mode. Show files being added or untared.
z :Compress. Filter input/output through gzip.
touch [opts] ?Update the timestamp on a file
-a :Only change the access time on the file.
-t :Specify a timestamp to use instead of current time