If your website is all about news, there’s a lot you can do to optimize it for search engines (and your users in the process). In this post, we’ll address some things you need to keep in mind, specifically when optimizing your news website.…
We’ve written a lot of Social Spotlights over the past year. And while our writers typically rely on outside observations and research to inform our content, we thought it only fitting to make this spotlight a bit more…personal.…
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Come and connect with the Ubuntu robotics team on November 12th to answer all of your questions. This is the first time ROSCon has ever been virtual and is the first time it’s ever been free to attend, so we’re looking forward to seeing tons of new faces!…
Following the massive Australian bushfires earlier this year, I was motivated to act within my role as a data scientist at Automattic to help fight anthropogenic climate change.…
From colorful journal pages to creatures made of salvaged materials, here’s a glimpse at the imaginative worlds of textile and multimedia artists on WordPress.com.
The Pale Rook
We discovered Glasgow-based textile artist Johanna Flanagan after stumbling upon her post, “Artist’s Statement: Part Two,” and were immediately pulled into her curious world of dolls that are hand-drawn, sewn, and embroidered.…
April is National Poetry Month, and we love each day’s flurry of new posts tagged #nationalpoetrymonth in the WordPress.com Reader and across the internet. WordPressers are busy in the #napowrimo tag as well, participating in NaPoWriMo, Maureen Thorson’s annual project that encourages and challenges poets to write a poem a day in April.…