
How to remove Tomcat on cPanel

Want to remove Tomcat from cPanel? Log-into your server as root using ssh: Execute the following command to stop the Tomcat process: # /usr/sbin/stoptomcat Read moreKali Linux 2021.1 Release (Command-Not-Found) | Kali Linux Blog…and to remove the next files, enter: # rm -f /usr/sbin/starttomcat # rm -f /usr/sbin/startomcat # rm -f /usr/sbin/stoptomcat Finally, remove all mod_jk lines from httpd.conf,…
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WordPress & Social Media Bootcamp for Business – Oct 30th

I’m very excited to announce this in-person workshop taking place October 30th, 11am – 5pm at the Coloft in Santa Monica. I’m teaming up with Gary Nicholson of Relevant Trafik (a search marketing, web design, and social media management firm) for this event – it’s going to be an intensive learning experience, so if you’ve been procrastinating about moving forward with your site, this is your chance to finally get online and be personally guided through the process.…
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Don’t Leave Your SEO To A Theme or a Plugin

In the WordPress community, especially amongst new users, a lot of emphasis seems to be placed on themes and plugins as crucial factors in SEO. Theme companies compete for bragging rights on whose is the most ‘SEO-friendly’ while website owners are frustrated that they are not getting the search engine traffic they expected despite having such-and-such theme and an SEO plugin.…
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