
Enable Maintenance Mode in OctoberCMS

After installing OctoberCMS, you may not want everyone viewing your work while you play with a new website. In many cases, it’s better to replace your website with a webpage showing important info instead of broken functions such as contact info, social media links, and what’s coming soon and when. Enable Maintenance Mode Log into…

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How to Install Plugins in OctoberCMS

OctoberCMS has many native features to improve your site such as secure email notifications. There is also a long list of plugins to help you achieve your goals without having to edit code. You can preview plugins information at OctoberCMS.com before installing within your dashboard. While you’re looking to improve your website, check out our…

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How to install LAMP on Debian 10 (Buster) nixCraft

How do I install a LAMP stack on Debian 10 (Buster)?The LAMP is an acronym for software stack that includes Linux, Apache web server, MariaDB database (MySQL drop in replacement), and PHP web scripting language. A LAMP stack allows us hosting dynamic websites and popular apps such as MediaWiki, WordPress, and more. This page shows…

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Engineering with Empathy

Engineering with Empathy

When you supervise a team of engineers hailing from over 40 countries, the way Upwork’s Senior VP of Engineering Han Yuan does, you develop priceless knowledge about how distributed teams work. According to Han, the crux of the challenge is setting expectations with every team member. Doing this well requires maintaining a consistent culture, along…

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How to do HR in a Blended Company

How to do HR in a Blended Company

Upwork is the largest freelancing platform, operating across 180 countries. It’s a company that deals in human resources, so its own HR department needs to model best practices. Upwork’s Head of Human Resources and Talent Innovation, Zoe Harte, keeps the department at the cutting edge. Making sure that the right people in the right places…

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