More Labels & Languages – The Hub Just Gets Better


Just when you thought we were done making The Hub better (okay, we’re never done), we spiced it up even further with custom labels and language translations!

Languages and labels give you even more options to set up The Hub to your specifications in just a few clicks.

This cool new feature allows you to translate The Hub into other languages, color-code your websites, and filter your sites by categories & labels so you can sort through them with ease.

Dev Man with paint and language book.
Dev Man brushing-up on his languages and label colors.

Why did we add these features?

Simple. Because based on our survey — you wanted it! And, well, we did, too. We’re pretty fond of new features here.

Here’s a quick break-down on what’s new…

Try us free for seven days.

Until our next colorful update, we’ll say goodbye, au revoir, tchau, & adiós!

