Need to know the exact size of your subdirectories in Linux?
Just go to the directory , like cd / and try this
du -cksh *
Need to know the exact size of your subdirectories in Linux?
Just go to the directory , like cd / and try this
du -cksh *
If you are in the market for web hosting, you may have heard the term “SSD…
Moving mySQL DBs from one server to another: mysqldump -uUSER -pPASSWORD txp_database > txp_database.sql puts the…
Brief: espanso is a cross-platform text expander tool written in Rust. A text expander lets you…
I have been hinting on introducing a ‘new feature’ in the last few newsletters. The wait…
For the latest information, please see our documentation on Docker Last week we received an email…
I am a new user of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8. How do I install htop…