Google has released a new search feature called “AI Overviews” that uses generative AI to provide summaries of search results. While it can be helpful for common queries, it has also produced inaccurate and even dangerous information for more unusual questions. Google is working to fix these issues, but it has become a PR disaster for the company. The problem lies in the fact that generative AI tools don’t distinguish between what is true and what is popular. They also lack human values and can reflect biases and conspiracy theories found on the web. This raises concerns about the future of search and the potential harm it may cause. Google is taking risks by pushing out this technology without being cautious, which could damage its reputation and business model. It also highlights the broader issue of AI training on previous AI outputs, which can amplify biases and errors. With significant investments in AI being made globally, there is a growing need for regulations to ensure responsible use of AI.
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