What Does It Mean to Have a High-Quality Website in 2020?

It’s 2020 and you know you need a high-quality website to make a positive impact on your potential customers. But it’s sometimes unclear what that even means. What constitutes a top-notch web presence changes quickly in this industry. “High quality” means something different in 2020 than it did in 2010, or even 2015 for that matter. For instance, responsive design is a must now, but that wasn’t always the case. Keeping up with the times is a challenge. But it’s well worth the effort if you want to start seeing results. If this is something you struggle with, that’s precisely […]

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E-Paper Display Shows Movies Very, Very Slowly

How much would you enjoy a movie that took months to finish? We suppose it would very much depend on the film; the current batch of films from the Star Wars franchise are quite long enough as they are, thanks very much. But a film like Casablanca or 2001: A …read more

Cool Off with a Piezo and a Glass of Water

Cool Off with a Piezo and a Glass of Water

Some cool-mist humidifiers work by flinging water at a vaporizer, but our favorite kind uses a piezoelectric transducer. These work by using high-frequency sound waves to pound the surface of the water with mechanical energy. That energy introduces standing waves that force the water to break apart into a fine …read more