Excluding Packages from Yum Update
When running a ‘yum update’ under CentOS, there are certain packages you may be running which…
When running a ‘yum update’ under CentOS, there are certain packages you may be running which…
If rpm / yum command hangs during operations or you see error messages – it means…
Forcing the restore of a transfered cPanel account , even if the new system says the…
When installing the CSF firewall on your CentOS server, you need to make sure that you…
Want to remove Tomcat from cPanel? Log-into your server as root using ssh: Execute the following…
Issues with suhosin or mod_security , then best check your Apache error logs tail -f /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log
When troubleshooting the Exim log file: tail -f /var/log/exim_mainlog If you need to restart or rebuild…
So you’re designing a website, and you’ve reached a point where you need two background images…
I do a lot of surfing, looking for design inspiration, coding tips, or simply something to…
If you create sites using WordPress, I’m sure there are certain plugins you find yourself using…
I’m a big fan of Firefox, and it’s been my main web browser for as long…
Forcing reboot A Linux Server is not Windows XP and if reboot fail you usually still…
Virtuozzo includes a utility to update itself and the included templates. To run this, you will…
To make sure MySQL uses the query cache, there are a few variables you need to…
Moving mySQL DBs from one server to another: mysqldump -uUSER -pPASSWORD txp_database > txp_database.sql puts the…
Taking backup of mysql database using cron Create a file called database_backup.sh and also an empty…
Whenever you can’t remember Root password, you can read this tutorial and do step by step…
For whatever reason CentOS decided to drop netconfig and renamed it to system-config-network
This is a long-standing Windows XP annoyance, and every time I rebuild a PC or buy…
SCP – Moving large files from one Linux server to your new Linux server What is…
Distributed denial-of-service attacks In a distributed attack, the attacking computers are often personal computers with broadband…