
A NVR system on Fedora Server – Fedora Magazine

A NVR system on Fedora Server - Fedora Magazine

Fedora Server can be used as a home or business lab server for many applications. One of the apps that can be run on it is a Network Video Recorder (NVR) to implement a Closed-Circuit TV for surveillance with IP cameras. Viseron is a NVR application that is simple to set up with virtually no dependencies (e.g., in-memory or storage databases). It is highly customizable with a variety of components to choose from. It can also leverage hardware such as Intel VAAPI and Google Coral Edge TPU for the video processing. Some features that make it ideal for CCTV are motion, object, license plate, and face detection. In this post, I will be showing how to set up Viseron on Fedora Server, utilizing Kubernetes.

Preparing the Platform to host our NVR app

The rest of this post assumes you are starting with a fresh Fedora Server install, the server’s hostname is server, and there is a user called user with sudo privileges.

Setting Up a Single Node Kubernetes

First, configure the firewall for the Kubernetes and Viseron installs:

# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=6443/tcp #apiserver
# firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-source= #pods
# firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=trusted --add-source= #services
# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=30888/tcp #node port we will use for viseron
# firewall-cmd --reload

Starting with the fresh Fedora Linux installation, install K3s, which is a lightweight certified Kubernetes that is ideal for single nodes. Run the following command in your server to install the latest stable version of K3s.

$ curl -sfL https://get.k3s.io | sh -

To verify a successful install, run the following command:

$ sudo k3s kubectl get node

NAME     STATUS   ROLES                  AGE    VERSION
server   Ready    control-plane,master   2m   v1.29.6+k3s2

We would like to access our Kubernetes nodes from our own machine. In order to do so, we will copy the file /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml, on the server, to our local machine. The k3s.yaml file is not world-readable on the server for security reasons. In order to copy it over, we will need to sudo to copy it first to our server user home directory and then use scp to transfer it to our local machine. You can also use the following command snippet from our local machine to do it in one shot:

$ ssh -q user@server "sudo --stdin cat /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml" <<(read -s && echo $REPLY) > k3s.yaml

The command does the following:

  • runs sudo to cat the k3s.yaml file
  • redirects the output to a local k3s.yaml file
  • tells sudo to display the prompt for password on stderr so the stdout redirect excludes it
  • tells ssh to run in quiet mode to not add anything to the stdout redirect
  • uses read -s to read the sudo password without displaying it to the console
  • redirects the sudo password to the stdin of the ssh command

There are a couple more things you will need to do to use the k3s.yaml file to access the cluster. The K3s install generated a TLS cert for several local hostnames, including the name of our node: server. The k3s.yaml file contains the Kubernetes endpoint as Therefore, let’s change it to https://server:6443 so we can access it from the local machine. We can do this using our favorite editor, or simply sed.

$ sed -i.bak 's/' k3s.yaml

Finally, let’s place our file in the directory ~/.kube and change its permissions:

$ mkdir ~/.kube
$ mv k3s.yaml ~/.kube/k3s.yaml
$ chmod 0600 ~/.kube/k3s.yaml

As our last step to access the cluster, we will need to install kubectl in our local machine:

$ sudo dnf install kubernetes-client

Now, we should be able to list our server node with the following commands:

$ export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/k3s.yaml
$ kubectl get nodes

NAME     STATUS   ROLES                  AGE    VERSION
server   Ready    control-plane,master   10m   v1.29.6+k3s2

Setting Up a LVM Storage Provider

We will need to set up volumes for our NVR app to store the videos and configs. K3s comes with local-path as the default storage provider:

$ kubectl get storageclass

NAME PROVISIONER (cut for brevity)
local-path (default) rancher.io/local-path

This means that the volume we define will be mounted on the existing file system inside /var. The problem with that approach is that local-path does not enforce any limits, so when you define a volume of 10Gi, that limit is actually ignored, and the disk usage can just grow and use all the space available on the disk, which can crash the entire system. Less than ideal.

The Fedora Server installation creates an LVM volume group called fedora with the root logical volume in it. For example, if our system had a 1TiB disk, it would look like this:

# vgs

VG #PV #LV #SN Attr VSize VFree
fedora 1 7 0 wz--n- 952g 937g

# lvs

LV VG Attr LSize (cut for brevity)
root fedora -wi-ao---- 15.00g

Notice that the root logical volume doesn’t use all the space available. We will be using the extra space to provision Kubernetes volumes.

So, we could create logical volumes with specific limits, mount them on the local file system, and mount them into the Kubernetes containers with the local-path storage provider! But, wouldn’t it be nice if Kubernetes itself creates and manages those logical volumes for us? This is where the OpenEBS LocalPV-LVM project comes into play. LocalPV-LVM is a storage provider for LVMs on local nodes.

To set up the storage provider, we apply the following Kubernetes manifest to our Kubernetes cluster:

$ kubectl apply -f https://openebs.github.io/charts/lvm-operator.yaml

That manifest will install all the necessary artifacts in our cluster to implement the LVM storage provider.

After running the above command and waiting for a little bit, we can verify that everything is in place as expected:

$ kubectl -n kube-system get pod | grep openebs

openebs-lvm-controller-0 5/5 Running 0 1m
openebs-lvm-node-8mxj5 2/2 Running 0 1m

$ kubectl get crd | grep openebs

lvmnodes.local.openebs.io 2024-07-30T04:00:00Z
lvmsnapshots.local.openebs.io 2024-07-30T04:00:00Z
lvmvolumes.local.openebs.io 2024-07-30T04:00:00Z

As the last step, we will set up our own Kubernetes storage class with our new OpenEBS storage provider.

Let’s create a fedora-vg-openebs-sc.yaml file containing the following:

apiVersion: storage.k8s.io/v1
kind: StorageClass
  name: openebs-lvmpv #arbitrary storage class name
allowVolumeExpansion: true #allows for volume expansion
  storage: "lvm"
  volgroup: "fedora" #name of the volume group in the server
provisioner: local.csi.openebs.io

Then, deploy it:

$ kubectl apply -f fedora-vg-openebs-sc.yaml

We can verify that it is in place with the following command:

$ kubectl get storageclass

NAME PROVISIONER (cut for brevity)
local-path (default) rancher.io/local-path
openebs-lvmpv local.csi.openebs.io

Installing the Viseron NVR application

The maintainer of Viseron and I worked to create a Helm chart to facilitate the install and management of Viseron in Kubernetes. Helm is like a package manager for Kubernetes.

For the next steps, we need to install Helm following the official documentation or with dnf install helm.

Let’s assume our server hardware is an Intel with VAAPI. We will first install the Viseron Helm repository and then install the app in our cluster with specific configurations.

$ helm repo add viseron https://roflcoopter.github.io/viseron-helm-chart
$ helm repo update

Let’s now create the following viseron-values.yaml file:

  privileged: true # Privileges to use the /dev/dri device

  type: NodePort
  nodePort: 30888 # The port where the app will be available in our server, opened with firewall-cmd in steps above

    className: "openebs-lvmpv" # Our storageclass
    size: 50Mi # Not a lot of space needed to store configs
    className: "openebs-lvmpv" # Our storageclass
    size: 200Gi # Here we set plenty of space for videos storage. See the official viseron documentation to change the retention periods default of 7 days.

  - name: dev-dri
      path: /dev/dri # To make this device available as a volume to the app container

  - name: dev-dri
    mountPath: /dev/dri # To mount the dev-dri volume on the same /dev/dri path.

Then let’s install the chart:

$ helm -n nvr upgrade --create-namespace --install --values viseron-values.yaml viseron viseron/viseron

The following is an explanation of the arguments used in the helm command:

  • -n nvr: specifies the Kubernetes namespace to use for our application
  • upgrade: specifies that we want to upgrade our release (“release” is the Helm terminology for the installed apps)
  • –create-namespace: creates the nvr namespace if it does not exist.
  • –install: installs (instead of upgrading) the release if it does not exist
  • –values viseron-values.yaml: specifies the values file to use (our specific configurations)
  • viseron: the name of the release
  • viseron/viseron: the Helm chart we are using

If we want to update our app later, we would first refresh our helm repo (helm repo update) and then re-run the command above.

If everything went well, our install should look like this:

$ helm -n nvr history viseron

1 Tue Jul... deployed viseron-0.1.2 2.3.1

$ kubectl -n nvr get pod

viseron-5745654d57-9kcbz 1/1 Running 0 2m

$ kubectl -n nvr get pvc

NAME STATUS VOLUME (cut for brevity)
viseron-config Bound pvc-0492f99d-1b35-42e5-9725-af9c50fd0d63
viseron-data Bound pvc-4230c3fe-ae9d-471c-b0a7-0c0645e1449b

The Viseron logs will also inform us if the hardware acceleration platforms were detected. In our case, Viseron detected that VAAPI and OpenCL were available for use:

$ kubectl -n nvr logs viseron-5745654d57-9kcbz

(cut for brevity)
************** Setting EdgeTPU permissions ***************
Coral Vendor IDs:
No EdgeTPU USB device was found
No EdgeTPU PCI device was found
************************** Done **************************

****** Checking for hardware acceleration platforms ******
OpenCL is available!
VA-API is available!
CUDA cannot be used
(cut for brevity)

If we had not mounted /dev/dri on the container, the logs would have said VA-API cannot be used.

If we ssh into our server, we should be able to see those Kubernetes volumes as logical volumes:

# lvs

LV VG Attr LSize (cut for brevity)
pvc-0492f99d-1b35-42e5-9725-af9c50fd0d63 fedora -wi-ao---- 52.00m
pvc-4230c3fe-ae9d-471c-b0a7-0c0645e1449b fedora -wi-ao---- 200.00g
root fedora -wi-ao---- 15.00g

The Viseron app will be available at http://server:30888/. When you visit it for the first time, it will say that it is waiting for the cameras. This is because the system comes with a default configuration, which is merely an example pointing to non-existent cameras. The configuration can be changed by going to Menu / Administration / Configuration.


In this post, we have followed steps to set up the Viseron NVR app on a Fedora server with Kubernetes. The following components were used:

The next step is to add the cameras, configure the video processing features we’ll be using, and program the recorder to begin recording automatically whenever it finds something interesting.