The ONLY Continuous Integration (CI) Tutorial you need as an Engineer

The ONLY Continuous Integration (CI) Tutorial you need as an Engineer

Learn how to build CI Pipeline that analyzes your code quality and automatically fixes your code using GitHub Actions and JetBrains’ Qodana
? GitLab CI/CD Course with K8s, Microservices, Multi-Stage:
? 4-month DevSecOps Bootcamp:

#cicd #codequality #techworldwithnana

?????? Thanks JetBrains for making this video possible! ? ??????
? Want to try Qodana and significantly boost the quality of your code? Grab your Qodana free 60-day trial:

Deliver code you’ll be proud to own ?

? Get the most advanced plan with a 50% discount – only $9 per developer! Offer valid until July 19, 2024
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I created a tutorial specifically for developers, who NEVER REALLY understood the concept of Continuous Integration (CI) properly? what it is about and why it’s so important for application development ?

Back then, when I was a software engineer, I remember us developers never wanted to work with Jenkins jobs or deal with anything related to release pipelines.

It was the task of the senior engineers dedicated to it ?

Later in my career when I slowly moved to DevOps, I realized that if someone had explained to me properly with simple words, why I, as a software developer should know about CI and CD, how it affects my work, it would have been extremely helpful for my job.

Plus broken down in simple terms, it’s really easy to understand. And that’s why I created this tutorial, to save anyone years of just vaguely understanding this important concept or having a fear of working with it ?

If you have struggled with understanding or working with Continuous Integration, I promise, by the end of this video, you will feel like a pro ? about this concept and will wanna learn even more, for which I have even more easy to learn resources to make you a pro in the whole DevOps and Cloud world ?

But start with this tutorial first, where you’ll learn:

? What Continuous Integration (CI) and CI pipeline is exactly
? Why we need a CI pipeline in software development projects
? Why we need automated tests in different stages
???? How to build a CI pipeline in practice that automatically checks your application code quality and automatically suggests fixes

Using GitHub Actions as CI server and JetBrains Qodana for code quality checks ??

Happy learning! ?

?????? R E F E R E N C E S ???????
? Project Repository:
? Getting Started with Qodana:
? Qodana YAML File:
? Qodana Linters:

?????? Pre-Requisites ??????
? GitHub Actions Tutorial:

?????? Related Youtube Videos ??????
? GitLab CI/CD Crash Course:
? DevSecOps Crash Course:

?????? T I M E S T A M P S ? ??????
00:00 – Intro and Overview
00:32 – Why Tests are important and what are these tests
03:24 – Run Tests on Merge Request – Gatekeeper
05:04 – Why Run Tests in Feature Branches
06:46 – What is CI and CI Pipeline
07:24 – Shifting Testing Left
08:20 – Why CI Pipeline is still important
09:15 – Demo Overview
09:46 – What is Qodana and how it works
11:21 – Demo Project: Build CI Pipeline with Code Quality Checks
23:12 – Demo – Fixing Issues automatically

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