6 Best Ant Design Templates for Web Developers

Looking to spend less time customizing the styling of your dev project and at the end to look like you've spent days? Sound crazy, but a lot of developers have seen this potential in Ant Design Framework thanks to the powerful theme customization in every detail.

Ant Design is an enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library with a set of high-quality React components. It is the world's second most popular React UI library with 73.6k stars on Github. What is great about Ant Design is that it has rich components that are easily customizable, and since it is popular enough, it gets good community support.

In this article, we have gathered a list of the best templates based on Ant Design so that you can kick-start your development process easier.

Muse – Vue Ant Design Dashboard

6 Best Ant Design Templates for Web Developers

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Muse – Vue Ant Design Dashboard is a beautiful Ant Design admin dashboard with Vuejs that comes with a large number of components, and a good-looking design. It is built with over 70 frontend individual elements, like buttons, inputs, navbars, navtabs, cards or alerts, giving you the freedom of choosing and combining. All components can take variations in color, that you can easily modify using SASS files and classes.

Price: FREE (premium version coming soon)

Ant Design Landing

6 Best Ant Design Templates for Web Developers

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Ant Design Landing is a platform that contains a variety of homepage templates based on Ant Design. You can quickly download the template package and use it. It is also open-source and free.

Price: FREE

Ant Design Pro

6 Best Ant Design Templates for Web Developers

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Ant Design Pro is a production-ready solution for admin interfaces. Built on the design principles developed by Ant Design, this project introduces higher-level components, templates, and a corresponding design kit to improve the user and development experience for admin interfaces.

Price: FREE

Wieldy: Ant Design and React Admin Template

6 Best Ant Design Templates for Web Developers

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Wieldy is a complete React admin template & starter-kit that follows Ant Design Concept and implements Ant Design framework to develop a react app.

Price: $24.00

Ant Design Dark Theme

6 Best Ant Design Templates for Web Developers

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Minimalist template using dark mode for Ant Design framework. It is also open-source.

Price: FREE

Ant React Free Theme

6 Best Ant Design Templates for Web Developers

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Ant React Free Theme is a fully responsive free admin dashboard template built on top of React. It provides all necessary elements & components for web developers and is beautifully designed using Ant Design.

Price: FREE

Final Thoughts

Indeed Ant Design is a powerful library thanks to its whole package of design resources and development tools. It also aims to avoid complicated, messy designs, and focuses on ensuring user certainty with consistent appearances.

Have you been using Ant Design or a competitor? We would love to hear your feedback.

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