
What a difference a header makes!

Our websites are our online homes. It makes sense that we want to give them personality and warmth, just like we do with our physical homes. One of the simplest updates with the biggest impact is a custom header, a completely free feature that’s available to the majority of themes on WordPress.com.…
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Emoji Everywhere ?

Emoji? What are they? “Emoji” is a Japanese term meaning “picture character.” It’s a standard for showing smileys and other little symbols inside text. But unlike traditional smileys that are made up of a sequence of letters like :), every emoji has its own letter.…
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A New My Sites Section

My Sites just got a new look, but more importantly, it got a technical overhaul, making the page dramatically faster and more powerful. From one central location, scan and select any of your WordPress sites or create new ones with the support of a more visual interface.…
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