We love podcasts: they’re like the blogging version of radio, a medium anyone can jump into and use to share their story. They introduce us to new voices and give us glimpses into new perspectives… and they pair perfectly with blogs and websites, where they can add more texture and interest to what you’re already publishing.
Thanks to a new partnership with RadioPublic, you can choose from a quarter of a million podcasts to embed into your posts and pages on WordPress.com and Jetpack-powered websites. Whether you produce a podcast yourself, write about them, or just like to listen, you can share podcasts with your visitors, no matter where the podcasts are hosted.
What Can a Podcast Add to My Site?
Use a RadioPublic embed to share and promote your own podcast?!? But even if you’ve never even listened to a podcast before, there are ways you can use them:
- Round up your favorites: everybody loves a good top-ten list, especially when includes a few surprises. Recommend some sports shows that break the mold (like 30 for 30 and The Rematch), podcasts about art (try A Piece of Work or The Lonely Palette), or amazing audio fiction. By embedding the shows right into your post, you make it easy for readers to sample, listen, and add the shows to their own listening list.
- Add a relevant episode to a post to give readers more to chew on. Writing about architecture? There’s probably a 99% Invisible episode that you could tie in. Pop culture? Check out Still Processing.
- Not everything has to be heavy: maybe your readers could just use a few minutes of cats purring — there’s a podcast for that, too!
With over 250,000 podcasts out there, there’s probably a show on whatever you’ve writing about.
Howdy, RadioPublic!
The How-To
As with other kinds of media, you can embed a podcast with a few clicks:
- Head to search.radiopublic.com to find a show.
Click on the name of a show. If you’d like to embed a specific episode, click the title of the episode.
Ta-da! The URL of that page is your embed link. Select it, copy the full link, and paste it right into your post editor, on its own line.
So for example, this URL:
…will display this embed player:
(For more detail, head to our RadioPublic embed support doc.)
Did we mention that if you embed a show (rather than a specific episode), the player will automatically display and play the most recent episode? It’ll keep your site fresh without you having to lift a finger.
Start embedding right now by visiting search.radiopublic.com. Enjoy!