Introducing the Raspberry Pi 5

Introducing the Raspberry Pi 5

Title: The Benefits of Regular Exercise for Overall Well-being Regular exercise is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health. Engaging in physical activities not only helps in weight management but also improves cardiovascular health, boosts mood, and enhances cognitive functions.…
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Rich results are rocking the SERPs

Rich search results are everywhere. Years ago, search engines presented search results without much adornment. Today, the search results look very different, especially on mobile. We see extra information beneath the links, plus a couple of big blocks of rich — often visual or action-oriented — content, depending on what you look for.…
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Snaps: How we got here

I’m celebrating nine years at Canonical, and coming up on 15 years since I started contributing to Ubuntu in the community. It’s been quite the ride, helping build, support and advocate for the most popular Linux desktop, and most used Linux distribution in the cloud.…
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Embedded Linux for Teams

A Linux kernel for each developer team, which uses it to bring up target boards. Bespoke, built, issued, and maintained over years by the vendor. Teams that focus on building great apps, rather than figuring out hardware dependencies.…
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Ubuntu Groovy Gorilla on Raspberry Pi

On the 22nd of October, the 20.10 release was launched, featuring an Ubuntu Desktop image optimised for the Raspberry Pi.  It brings together Ubuntu and Raspberry Pi for educators, inventors and entrepreneurs, bringing the world’s most used open-source desktop to the world’s most accessible hardware.…
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Raspberry Pi 400 with Ubuntu support

The Raspberry Pi Foundation has a new product — the Raspberry Pi 400. The flagship Raspberry Pi 4 was released in June 2019. Since, they added an 8GB model, brought out the Compute Module 4, we certified all Raspberry Pis since Raspberry Pi 2 and we worked together to make the full Ubuntu Desktop ‘just work’ on a Raspberry Pi 4.…
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